2014年5月7日 星期三

[elasticsearch] document id _id field uuid

在使用搜尋引擎中,在 index record 時,有個隱含的概念,這個概念也成為早期設計搜尋引擎碰到的瓶頸。
目前的large scale search engine 大多使用  inverted index 反向索引的方式索引,在索引資料的時候,我們要知道哪些 term 對應到哪些 document ,而每個 document 就有一個document id 。

早些年,單一個index 索引的record有最大的上限多半是卡在這個 document id 最大值 int上。

在 elasticsearch 裡面 document id 是使用 UUID.randomBase64UUID 的方式去產生的。

如果使用 post 的方式,索引 record 他會幫你產生一個 "_id" 的 document id 欄位,這是一個長度 22 的 base64encode 的 UUID。

  • _indexi2
  • _typetest2
  • _idhvLUDOYXR8C5CP0HwsuDLQ
  • _version1
  • _score1
  • _source: {
    • namepc
    • groupa

在分散式的搜尋引擎中,譬如像是 elasticsearch 大量使用這樣的技巧。
像是我們的 nodeid , cluster id 都是使用類似的方式產生 id。

[2014-05-07 15:12:30,259][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [renode1] detected_master [renode2][ZTOYwtRDRSiQ2DQaRMTn5g][renode2][inet[/]], added {[renode2][ZTOYwtRDRSiQ2DQaRMTn5g][renode2][inet[/]],}, reason: zen-disco-receive(from master [[renode2][ZTOYwtRDRSiQ2DQaRMTn5g][renode2][inet[/]]])
[2014-05-07 15:12:30,335][INFO ][discovery                ] [renode1] elasticsearchpc2/me2UTC43TpKWoHZaR6cFOA

source code:
     * Returns a Base64 encoded version of a Version 4.0 compatible UUID
     * as defined here: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt
    public static String randomBase64UUID() {
        return randomBase64UUID(SecureRandomHolder.INSTANCE);
     * Returns a Base64 encoded version of a Version 4.0 compatible UUID
     * randomly initialized by the given {@link Random} instance                                                                                                                                                   
     * as defined here: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt
    public static String randomBase64UUID(Random random) {
        final byte[] randomBytes = new byte[16];
        /* Set the version to version 4 (see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt)
         * The randomly or pseudo-randomly generated version.
         * The version number is in the most significant 4 bits of the time
         * stamp (bits 4 through 7 of the time_hi_and_version field).*/
        randomBytes[6] &= 0x0f;  /* clear the 4 most significant bits for the version  */
        randomBytes[6] |= 0x40;  /* set the version to 0100 / 0x40 */
        /* Set the variant: 
         * The high field of th clock sequence multiplexed with the variant.
         * We set only the MSB of the variant*/
        randomBytes[8] &= 0x3f;  /* clear the 2 most significant bits */
        randomBytes[8] |= 0x80;  /* set the variant (MSB is set)*/
        try {
            byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBytesToBytes(randomBytes, 0, randomBytes.length, Base64.URL_SAFE);
            // we know the bytes are 16, and not a multi of 3, so remove the 2 padding chars that are added
            assert encoded[encoded.length - 1] == '='; 
            assert encoded[encoded.length - 2] == '='; 
            // we always have padding of two at the end, encode it differently
            return new String(encoded, 0, encoded.length - 2, Base64.PREFERRED_ENCODING);
        } catch (IOException e) { 
            throw new ElasticsearchIllegalStateException("should not be thrown");

UniqueKey - Solr Wiki
"The Solr uniqueKey field encodes the identity semantics of a document. In database jargon, the primary key."

